So, I am a hugely huge musically fanatical person. Meaning.. I pretty much have a song stuck in my head all of the f-ing time.. whether i like it or not.. I have played a musical instrument as far back as my memories remember. And even before I could get my sweaty little paws on an instrument.. I used to make up songs while sitting on the toilet (or so I am told) wahaha.
Every once in a while I play out and about( although not as of late) and I still have the perhaps somewhat crazy notion that I will play for a living some fine day. Go out and tour this great land of rolling grain via the style of Woody Guthrie. Since that is not happening anytime in the near and present future.. Ya'll are going to have to bear with me as I rattle on about artists that inspire me and make me want to quit my day job. (just kidding, mom :)) (but, not really.. :)
So if any of that made any sense whatsoever and if there is another person in cyberland who can relate to whatever the hell i am talking about.. please for the LOVE OF GOD let me know. Just the justification that I am not a LUNATIC would be nice. har de har har.
Anyways, back to the serious matter of telling you about music I have stumbled upon in my journeys. Everyone who knows and loves me can already guess what musician I am going to name first.. because, well... i love him and we are going to run away together and have violin playing children.
I am speaking of course of the one and only ANDREW BIRD. He is by far one of my all time favorite musicians of all time. So if and when you read this, cyber people, check out his website andrewbird.net and check out the av/iary section..(videos of his performances.. Anonanimal (the Pitchfork Cemetary Gates performance), Lull, and Section 8 City are my top three favorite) SO GOOD!
Watching it feeds me better then the best food on this planet.
Once I figure out how this whole blogging thing works.. I will post some videos, but for now you are going to have to venture there on your accord. IT IS WORTH IT!
Forget Lady Montanas and Hannah Gagas! Jane knows best!
peace and of course, love.
I enjoyed this..and know so well that music is food to you (I remember the singing on the toilet!)...but wouldn't you rather be eating out of the chocolate chocolate chip ice cream container with me instead? I may eat it all..without you would be sad. Remember..don't quit your day job(s). Those lyrics running around in your head are always going to be there. Sing your heart out while funding your way.....