My fiance calls me
Leggy Blonde. For obvious reasons. I am leggy and I am blonde. He rarely calls me by my real name. This is important information you will need in the near future.
Yesterday afternoon I was driving Emily Jane home from work. It was "like normal" as we always say....nothing out of ordinary....when we started talking about blogging and how we should make one of our very own. As she was getting out of the car she leans down right before she slams the car door, looks me square in the eye her eyes wide and yells "LEGGY BLOG!". It was stupid. So of course we both bust out laughing....
She slams the door immediately after not saying anything else but we both continue laughing as I drive away. I had my car window open and I could hear her laughing to herself even as I drove away. I laughed too. All the way home.
It's strange times like those that I know no matter what what life throws at us I will always have my "family" to lean on. And that makes my heart happy.

This, my friends, is what this blog is about. Things that make our hearts happy.
Love, Jean